Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day.
I spent Father's Day weekend in central Florida with my parents and the future father that is the German. Not only do I know that the German will be an amazing father to little L, I want to recognize him as an awesome son-in-law for taking me to be with my mom and dad, for preparing comforting meals for them, for helping dad lift and move my dear mom wherever she needed lifted and moved.
The German is going to be one of the most hands-on dads out there. He has has waited patiently for many, MANY years for this opportunity to be a parent. Bearing with me every time I said "not quite ready yet" or "let's go on one more trip", "ok, one more trip". Liam, you're a lucky kid, hope you come to realize that quite soon.

I also want to shout out my own father. In his father's day card I told him that one way a man can be an amazing dad is by taking painstaking care of his children's mother. That is what he's doing, day in, day out. And I know it's hard, albeit, an absolute labor of love. Thank you for all that you do, dad! You inspire us all.

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